This website is intended for first year of

LsD Cup,which will be held:


13.10. 2013 - ENDED


Style of the maps - Very short / Tech.

Please register to this tournament.

It is an international Cup.

Many valuable gifts waiting for the winner!

Donate something to the Cup and 10

sponsors receive special presents

at the end of Cup ! 

A lot of fun and success

in the first year of LsD Cup.


LsD Team



1. Place dkž pro MicZor


2. Place LsD Losík


3. Place Fet | iGn

We own a publish LsD TeamSpeak3.

Please use our channel for more informations.


------------------------- Main parameters  -----------------------




Adress of server:
Server Port:                  30310
Server Query Port:       10013

Download TS3 here:


*** Connection here ***

LsD TeamSpeak3 Server


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